
Downtown and Thud Ridge

Page history last edited by Si Tyler 14 years, 6 months ago

I finally bought some of Tumbling Dice's 1/600th aircraft after walking past their stall at nearly every show in the Southwest over a 4 year period and always saying "nice, but I just don't fancy another period".


My best mate (who is also a gamer) always loved the idea of Korean Mig V Sabres so I thought a starter pack for under a tenner wouldn't break the bank.  Little did I know that this would lead me to a painting a large collection of aircraft not only for Korea but also for Vietnam.  I now have (1 model to a flight) enough aircraft for a US Navy Alpha Strike as well as a USAF strike package.  I have stayed away from the B-52s (up until now but fingers are itching)  as one of the scenarios in Downtown needs 20 models so this would have to be a huge demo game (and over £100 worth of metal to paint up).



So 1/600th scale is the only way to go, and I have added a Hotz Mat as well.  I have just added the second Mat to this one yet in a nice shade of green which will be used for the rough terrain  gone back to the idea of individual hex pictures.  Still need another fields one which I am going to slit down the middle and that will allow the full width of the DT map to be modelled.  On the lookout now for some Dow Stryofoam for the hill sections to have the green mat stuck onto and then cut out.


Need to add some more terrain as well as some hill items and we will be on for a game or two at the local club. The very nice people at Fight's On have started releasing some excellent terrain pieces and have some excellent and innovative ideas (need them to get to 1/600th though!) for game markers, the parachuting crew are an inspiration. So far I have:


  • Light and Medium AA emplacements
  • Downed Crew (yes in 1/300th)
  • SAM Launch markers


on Order are

  • SAM Batteries
  • POL Storage
  • Power Station 
  • a few other bits 


I will try and get some shots of the current terrain done over the weekend.  


Downtown and Thud Ridge Images are here with details of my Forces.  I have also written a very basic guide for US Tactics and DRV Tactics for Thud Ridge


Finally to get a feel for the Thud Ridge game have at look at the Battle Reports for a couple of blow by blow small games (larger games will cover the turn activities and not phases).


I have now added a piece on a modelling and painting project adding a flight of F-111A to the US for 1972 games as well as section on detailing USN aircraft.


Lately I have been looking more towards Downtown and thought that it would be useful to show how the conversion of the board game to miniatures has gone.

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